Beyond Frequencies All In Blazy Flash

Favorite Mistake

Here you are, trying to resist a higher force because you want to do what is supposedly considered right according to the norms of our society. But deep down, you know it is inevitable, so you might as well just give in and savor your favorite mistake.


Every smile is torture
Can’t cope with kindness today
For what we need right now
The backyard floor will do

Shattered into pieces
No need to pick up the mess
Today we’d like to stay
Perfectly destroyed

Why wait – The longer it takes, the harder we break
Too late – to cover the mess, we’re blown by fate
Why wait – too much at stake to hesitate
Too late – to forget about our favorite mistake

The seal is broken
Devastation can’t be undone
There is no turning back
Of what we have become

There’s no denying
We might as well take the chance
And savor every dose
Our chemicals provide

Why wait – The longer it takes, the harder we break
Too late – to cover the mess, we’re blown by fate
Why wait – too much at stake to hesitate
Too late – to forget about our favorite mistake

How to ignore what’s going on?
With all respect there’s nothing wrong (about us)
We cannot help it, it might not be fair
When we collide it sparks a fire

Lyrics: Blazy Flash
Music: Blazy FlashChristoph Siemons, Fabian Zimmermann

About the Video

The video was filmed during our tour preparation, because we put All In for the upcoming album release in March 2023!

Watch the video now

About the Song

"When I talk to people about their biggest dreams, I come across so many excuses why it won't work out. Why they can't bring up the energy or time to actually go through with it. Because there are so many other things to do in life. Or that they can't afford it. Or that they don't want to cut back on their job. Or that they don't want to practice as much. Or that others tell them it won't work anyway. Or that they don't have the patience and time to go through the process it takes. Now, I don't know what your biggest dream is, but what I do know for sure is that you have to be ALL IN to make it happen." - Blazy Flash

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Music is our passion and we love to entertain you. Unfortunately, in the age of free music streaming, we can't make a living from our art. We're putting all our savings into Beyond Frequencies because we love what we do! How can you support us, so we don't bleed out? Tell all your friends about us. Share our music on social media. Buy fancy merch or donate to our fund. Thank you!!!

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